Fashion Illustration Stationery

fashion illustration note card stationery new designs in the Rive Gauche Craft boutique

I'm working on some new fashion illustrations!  But until they're ready for gandering, please plunder away at the illustrations & designs in my boutique and let me know what you think?
I'm awfully partial to the stationery - I'll take any excuse to send an "old fashioned", hand written note to someone, particularly if it has a pretty design on the front, or a fancy envelope of some sort.  Call me a cynical romantic (do those exist?), but it's sort of a bummer that the only mail people seem to invest time and energy into these days are wedding invites.  I'd love to see more of that kind of beautifully designed & illustrated correspondence on a regular basis.   
You know, so that I don't have to gobble up and hoard the wedding invites like some kind of design-monster-junkie.
Don't you miss some of those pre-technology novelties?  I do.  

shop the cards!   
1     2     3 
4     5     6

layout made with polyvore 


  1. My first impression about your blog: wow

  2. Thanks love! But really, everybody needs to take a trip to ^ THIS LADY'S blog for a serious dose of stellar personal style.

    Find her here:


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