Rive Gauche Craft | New Spring Cats

botanical and tropical cat stationery collection for spring and summer

Whoa, this week has been hectic, hasn't it?  Or maybe every week is hectic, and I just have the memory of a goldfish.  (I hear they forget everything every five minutes - how exciting!) 
This is one of the projects I've been working on for the boutique- a new collection of Spring fancies for the home and office, featuring a sweet and mischievous new little cat who plunders all sorts of neighborhood botanical wonderlands.  See the full "Orange Tree Cat" and "Chrysanthemum Garden Cat" collections.  
As I move forward and continue to find my footing in the Rive Gauche Craft boutique, I'll be focusing more on stationery and paper products, and less on home products.  BUT!  I'm keeping a few items such as - mugs, tote bags, iphone cases, etc because they're just too pretty, and they make such lovely gifts.  A few things currently on the drawing board: organizational products (like labels, binders, notepads) mother's day & father's day cards, birthday cards, invitations, announcements, and wedding suites! 
1 /  party invites, $18 for set of 10  / 2 /  stationery, $10.50 for set of 10  / 3 /  xl notepad, $12.95  / 4 /  chrysanthemums note card, $3.15  / 5 /  orange tree note card, $3.15

See the full collections:


  1. How adorable! You always design the cutest stuff :)

  2. Thank you so much! I'll be posting more designs soon <3


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