Color Lust | Acidic Euphoria

I find the color and texture in artist Brittany Bass's paintings so inspiring.  Not only does her work soothe my optic nerves, it also seems to invigorate my sense of cheer.

Thus, my sartorial take on Bass's simultaneously gentle and lively painting "Abstract III".

stylish outfit with patent leather skirt and marni shoes

Nude classics get an energetic injection of deliriously happy, intoxicating charm via bright (if not other-wordly) accessories.  I'm enchanted like a little girl with a brand new fluffy kitten. 

I didn't want to skimp on aesthetic pleasure in this post, so here are a few more of my favorite paintings from this artist.  

fashion and style inspiration, bright geometric art

You can find prints of these works, and lots more of Bass's lovely things in her online shops via Etsy and Bigcartel.

You're welcome. 

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