Rive Gauche Craft | Frank Valentines

Funny, frank, and anti-valentine cards now in the shop

I'm pretty excited about my newest creations (or abominations, perhaps?) for Valentine's Day.   
I've designed a line of snarky, but stylish cards, stationery, and little gifts that skimp on wordy flourish, and get right to the point.  I think you'll find them ridiculously hip. 
The Idea: A refreshingly humorous, yet supremely sophisticated twist on the concept of declaring one's affections for another, complete with sweet vintage animal silhouettes and elegantly scripted colloquialisms and curse words.   
As always, these cards (and more) can be purchased in the Boutique
1  /  Cats "I mean, damn"   /  2  /   Bunnies "Let's do it"  /  3  /  Birds "Lemme holla at you"
layout made with polyvore


  1. Haha I like these a lot. Especially the one with the cats. I just stumbled upon your blog and cracked up at your "about" when you mention what you would wear if you weren't in SC. I am originally from TX and totally get what you mean. ;)

  2. Wow I'm so glad I took a peak at your shops! That Karen Elson print (17 x 17 of course) is now on my wish list! :)

    1. Huzzah! A fellow native Southerner/style monster! I'm stoked that you like my illustration :) Keep in touch!


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